Pigeons, Mesopotamian, hypothesis, domesticated, Scientists

Pigeons also save lives outside of the military.

Pigeons, Mesopotamian, hypothesis, domesticated, Scientists

Pigeons were traditionally released from sinking ships to signal for aid. Pigeons have also been trained to assist in the rescue of persons who have become stranded at sea. They find the stranded individuals and tell rescuers of their position. They are ideal for this position because, in addition to possessing excellent vision, they can sense the UV radiation that surrounds the humans in the water.

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Bali is a volcanically active island.

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Cleopatra Was Not Egyptian

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Adam's Peak is the country's most sacred mountain.


Grapefruit Could Boost Your Immune System

Mimosa Pudica

Mimosa Pudica has excellent ornamental value

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Did you Know? Nectarine means sweet like nectar.

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They snooze in the dunes.


A Flounder is a kind of fish.

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