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Perseus Used Medusa’s Head to Neutralize His Enemies

athena, athena goddess, about athena the greek goddess, greek gods, greek gods and goddesses, ancien

Perseus carried Medusa’s head to present it to Polydektes, the king of the Greek island of Seriphos. On his way back, Perseus faced many adventures that threatened his life. If it was not for Medusa’s head, he may not have made it back to Seriphos.

The first time he used it was against the titan Atlas. When the titan saw the head he was petrified, becoming the Atlas mountains in northern Africa. Returning to Greece, Perseus passed from Aethiopia where he fell in love with Andromeda who was being threatened by the sea monster Keto. Perseus turned the monster into stone with Medusa’s head and then did the same with a suitor of Andromeda named Phineus.

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