Did you Know? There were no fights or casualties throughout the 335-year-long Dutch-Scilly War.
Because people were being buried alive so frequently, bells were connected to their coffins.
Fun Fact! Spartan women controlled the majority of the land and riches in the city-state.
Did you Know? Coca-Cola comes in at least 16 distinct tastes.
Did you Know? Russia ran short of vodka as it celebrated the end of WWII.
Coke had a promotion in which they filled their cans with disgusting concoctions.
Fun Fact! Spartans were so wealthy that no one needed to work.
Did you Know? One individual survived both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings.
The Circus Maximum in Rome is still the largest sports stadium ever constructed.
Fun Fact! McDonald's Coca-Cola tastes the greatest.
Did you know? Death by elephant was a common method of execution in Ancient Asia.
Did you Know? For World War II, Coca-Cola created a special "White Coke."
Did you Know? Greek Fire, a weapon of the Eastern Roman Empire, was utilised in ship-mounted flamethrowers.
Did you Know? A pharmacist invented Coca-Cola.
Coca-Cola is illegally accessible in every country on the planet.
Did you Know? John F. Kennedy was laid to rest without his brain.
Did you Know? Janitors do not exist in Japan.
You wouldn't Know! Many terms in the Japanese language are untranslatable.
Did you Know? Hitler's birth chart predicted his future.
Did you Know? You have more than one sign.
Did you Know? Moon can alter your mood.
The Pokémon Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan are named after Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, respectively.
Did you Know? There are so many uses of cucumber!
Did you Know? Green Yellow and Red Capsicums are not the same vegetable.
Did you Know? Nectarine means sweet like nectar.
Did you Know? There is a difference in your age.
Did you Know? Eyes are very sensitive!