buddhist, emptiness, Marcel, Buddha, religious activities

Not every Buddhist lives the life of a monk.

buddhist, emptiness, Marcel, Buddha, religious activities

Many Buddhists, believe it or not, possess cars, houses, jewelry, and other items. "Because so many vocal Buddhists in America are practicing monks or wealthy individuals shunning consumerism to go meditate," says Wasserman, "we assume all Buddhists are like that." "Travel to a Buddhist country, and you will not see people abandoning the worldly world, but rather, like other religions, praying to win the lottery or be prosperous," he adds.

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Knowledge Of Constellations Came From Early Cultures

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Stress and blood pressure are reduced.

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Fennel seeds help to alleviate asthma and other respiratory problems.

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Afrikaans was first taught in Muslim schools and was written in Arabic script.

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Taste buds

Your brain is used to taste.

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A WHOLE fish has been used to make candles.

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Having an asthma action plan is the best way to avoid the hospital.


There are two recognised Chihuahua breeds.

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The famous 5.9-liter V12 engine of Aston Martin is made up of two Ford V6s.

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E.T. Was Brought to Life by Cigarettes


Baba Marta is a fun holiday.


Train made of bamboo

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Flash is a buddy of Batman, yet he does not obey his 'rule.' 

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Did you Know? Pluto was demoted to dwarf planet status in 2006–but not for the commonly believed reason

alzheimer's disease.

Emotional memories are not always affected by alzheimer's disease.


What Is the Origin of the Name "Butterscotch"?

cashew seeds

Green cashews are raw cashews.

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The Fundamental Attribution Error may aid in explaining conspiracy ideas.

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Money and more money for Harvard

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A Nevermind outtake became a proper Hole release.

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Did you Know? Munitions girls kept football alive throughout World War I.