netflix, socks, netflix socks, pulse, electronic device

"Netflix Made Special Socks That Pause Your TV Automatically When You Fall Asleep. "

netflix, socks, netflix socks, pulse, electronic device

The company made special socks that could detect when a user fell asleep and pause the show/movie so that they don't miss out on anything when they wake up. Known as ‘Netflix Socks’, this pair of socks comes with a sew-in electronic device that detects your pulse. 

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The Sculpture Has Been Buried Under Sand For Quite Some Time.

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A well-known traditional treatment for all health problems, turmeric milk

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The Founder Of The Company Came Up With The Idea For Netflix From A Late Fee.

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Turkey is home to one of Christianity's oldest churches.

Kimch Space

Kimchi Traveled to Space


An expression that describes a phobia of Halloween exists.

The Evil Dead

The gory noises heard in The Evil Dead were made with walnuts and dead chickens.

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The average customer goes to Starbucks six times a month.

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NOT ALWAYS DO the candle flames stand straight.

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Your skin doesn't have to itch from retinoids.


The Russian term belukha, which means "white," is where the English name "beluga" is derived.

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Did you Know? Kleenex tissues were initially designed for use with gas masks.


Bamboo survived the Hiroshima nuclear test.

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Money can purchase happiness, but only to a degree.

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Starbucks has been sued for under-filling lattes.

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Did you Know? The Highest Mountain In Libya Is Bette Peak

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The record for the longest cat ever is 48.5 inches


Bhutan does not have traffic lights.



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Did you Know? There are 170 museums in London.

Fish, humans, nostrils, organs, water, smell

Not all Hermit Crabs make use of discarded seashells as temporary dwellings.

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Did you Know? In South Korea, there is a particular day for "singles."

taste buds

Everyone has a unique set of taste buds.


In the previous seven decades, about 90 different commercial airliners have gone missing.