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Medusa Gave Birth to Pegasus

athena, athena goddess, about athena the greek goddess, greek gods, greek gods and goddesses, ancien

When Perseus took Medusa’s head, we are told that something extraordinary happened. When Medusa was raped by Poseidon, it seems that she got pregnant but for some reason, never gave birth. Consequently, when her head was removed, two children sprang from the opening. These were Chrysaor and Pegasus. Chrysaor became the father of the three-headed (or three-bodied) giant Geryon who is mainly known for his fight with Hercules. Pegasus was a winged horse and one of the most famous mythological beings. So why did Gorgon Medusa give birth to a horse? This must have to do with the fact that Poseidon was, amongst others, the god of horses.

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Persian rugs on display Unchanging Patterns

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The longest chess game possible in Chess (in theory) is of 549 moves.

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Martha Washington used hog fat and whale guts to make lipstick.

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Legs can grow back on centipedes.


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Did you Know? There are famous coffee houses named after Centeral Perk of FRIENDS

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