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Medication + gut health = frenemies

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Sometimes there’s simply no avoiding the need to take meds. But some — antibiotics especially — negatively impact the gut microbiome. So, speak to your doctor if you’re concerned about starting a new prescription

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Malleus Maleficarum: the witch-hunting manual that became the gospel of every witch-hunter.

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Did you Know? Good Marketing helped make champagne a New Year's Eve Tradition.


Ashwagandha is an Indian herb.

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A fantastic study snack is blueberries.

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Do you know about Social Phobia

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The number 111 is usually seen as unlucky.


One of Buddha's incisors is kept in a temple in Kandy.

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Did you Know? Evil eye is the most common superstition among Greeks.


A LOT of graffiti is present in Pompeii

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Rio has the world's bluest sky.

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Have you heard the legends of La Ciguapa?

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The average customer goes to Starbucks six times a month.

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Mosquitoes can also hibernate:

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To visit Bhutan, tourists must spend a minimum of US$200 per day.

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Did you Know? Indian Ocean has Unique Chemical and Physical Properties

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Indian street dogs (Indian pariah dogs) are extremely alert & social.


Cern Is Within Its Boundaries

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Did you Know? We can only be close up to 150 people.

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Did you Know? Thor's hammer can be made in a scientifically plausible manner.

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ADHD Can Appear Differently At Different Times In Life

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Alien's Androids Are Alphabetized

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E.T. Was Brought to Life by Cigarettes

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Did you Know? Kratos is based on the Greek god Cratus, and his name means "power."

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea might make living during your period simpler.

burial plot

It’s a legal requirement to own a burial plot before you die in Sarpourenx, France