pass wind i

It’s illegal to pass wind in a public place after 6pm on Thursdays in Florida

 pass wind i

One weird law, that’s since been long-forgotten, is that it’s illegal to pass wind in Florida after 6pm on a Thursday. It’s never really been enforced in Florida but it was probably written in the 1800’s. It’s not clear why this ever became a law, or a rumoured law in the first place.

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Dust mites resemble tiny spiders.


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It owns a telescope in Arizona, United States of America.

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Donald Duck is more well-known than Mickey Mouse.

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The world's biggest beet is grown by a Dutchman.

fibre optics.

A Hong Kong professor devised fibre optics.

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Breastfeeding mothers benefit from a small amount of formula.

Rio de Janeiro i

Rio de Janeiro is Brazil's second largest metropolis.

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The smallest dog breed in the world is the chihuahua.

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Marie Curie once conducted research on a psychic medium.

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About 1,000 allergen waste particles are produced by one dust mite.