cell, cancer, infected, selfdestruct, apoptosis, growth, regulate, body, mitotic

Fun fact! Suicide is committed by certain cells.

cell, cancer, infected, selfdestruct, apoptosis, growth, regulate, body, mitotic

When a cell is injured or infected, it will self-destruct through a process known as apoptosis. Apoptosis acts to guarantee appropriate growth and regulate the body's natural mitotic process. Cancer can emerge as a result of a cell's failure to perform apoptosis.

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Sugar can be ""tasted"" by the pancreas.

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Curtains are being dressed in accordance with  standards.


The First Oktoberfest Was A Wedding!

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Did you Know? Spiders are considered good luck symbols in Ukraine during the Christmas season.

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The Fundamental Attribution Error may aid in explaining conspiracy ideas.


Hindi is also spoken in Mauritius, Guyana, Fiji, Tobago, and Nepal, in addition to India.

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When did it start? And why?

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Bali is part of the 'Coral Triangle.'

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In Hong Kong, the magical technique of Feng Shui is still widely practised.

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Have you heard the legends of Deer Woman?

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Did you Know? Assassin’s Creed has spawned 10 novels

Coconut Oil!

Canine Coconut Oil!

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Did you Know? There is a windless Kite festival too!

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Instead of glowing white, some fireflies have blue illumination.

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They Possess Venom

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Rio has the world's bluest sky.


There are 176 universities worldwide that teach Hindi. 45 of these universities are from the United States.


Several times a year, Christ gets struck by lightning.

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Did you Know? The Highest Mountain In Libya Is Bette Peak

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The First to Measure the Earth's Circumference


The holiday has other names besides just "Halloween."