expensive coffee

Four of the top five most expensive coffee cities are Swiss.

expensive coffee

Starbucks was chosen as a component in the Index because it is the world's most widely distributed, premium-priced coffee chain, and so provides an intriguing economic barometer comparing countries. The price differential for a Grande Latte varied from £1.21 in Brazil to £5.72 in Switzerland, representing a roughly 400% price increase.

Related Facts
 air pollution

One of the leading causes of death worldwide is air pollution.

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Flounders may be found in both fresh and saltwater.



Glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

Glass cracks move at a speed of 3000 mph when it breaks

abominable snowman

The phrase "abominable snowman" was first used by a newspaper columnist.


Chinese people invented toothbrush bristles.

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Did you Know? The footsteps of the Apollo astronauts on the moon will most likely remain there for at least 100 million years.

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Fun Fact! 2.5 million Brazilians Live in the Middle of the Amazon Rainforest

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Viking women held a unique position in society.

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India’s Widest River “Brahmaputra”

Red hair

Red hair is found in less than 2% of the world's population.

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Did you Know? There are some magnificent monasteries in Moldova

 earthen pots

The price of earthen pots is reasonable, and they are available everywhere.

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Test cricket's fifth-youngest player

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Did you Know! Moldova's capital was destroyed in 1940

red lips, lipstick, makeup

Cleopatra's fashionable crimson lip was made of crushed beetles.

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Did you Know? The Cheapest Oscar goes to....

World Cup, football

Holy books, gay flags, and no beer


What Is the Difference Between Toffee and Butterscotch?


Age has an effect on an individual's rate of growth as well.

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Isaac Newton invented the cat door


Beer Is A Food In Bavaria !

women facts, women sleep, women sleep need, women fact, facts about women , lipstick, lipstick facts

Did you Know! An average woman eats about 4Ib lipstick in her lifetime.

Fish, humans, nostrils, organs, water, smell

Much bony fish have multiple sets of nostrils.


Our bodies contain more probiotics than human cells.