nail, nail facts, nail paint, nail paint history, nail paint facts, facts about nail paint

Did you Know? Nail Paint was once used for a class ranking!

nail, nail facts, nail paint, nail paint history, nail paint facts, facts about nail paint

Nail polish was used to represent class in Ancient Egypt. The lower classes wore naked or light colours, while the upper classes favoured red hues (naturally). Cleopatra's tips were dyed a rusty colour with henna plant juice, while Nefertiti's were painted ruby colours.

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Did you know? Mulan was originally supposed to be a movie called, China Doll.

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Did you Know? Language is thought to have originated circa 100,000 BC.

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Humans are not attacked by sea lampreys


Chia is cultivated between the latitudes of 23 degrees north and 23 degrees south.

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Foods and supplements:

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Did you Know? The sun is heating up and will kill all life on earth

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Our body's immune system is destroyed by antibiotics.

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Is monkeypox treatable?

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Pirates wore earrings to ward off seasickness.

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Fun Fact! Spain is a very sunny country

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The Most Dangerous yet the most, yet very Small

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The Rorschach Test There Are Three Reactions To Subjects.

glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

"In the 17th century, glass windows were invented."

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Did you Know? African Lungfish can survive for a year without water.

cardiac illness

Women are more prone than males to have their cardiac illness misdiagnosed.

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In 1963 a cat went to space

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The world's shortest train track

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The seventh most visited country on the planet

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Did you Know? The Professor Does Have a City Name

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Do you know about the folktale of Botan Dōrō?

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Did you Know? The first version of a vision aid, known as a "Reading Stone"

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Did you Know? Des Moines has a hillarious tradition called Beggar's night.

Red hair

Red hair is a lovely genetic mutation.

korean, language, English, hangul, verb, Chinese

The letters' shape is similar to your tongue.