candle, diamond, wuzongzhou, chemistry, professor, university, nanoparticles

Diamond is the hardest natural substance on earth

candle, diamond, wuzongzhou, chemistry, professor, university, nanoparticles

Diamonds are thought to be one of the hardest natural materials known to man; according to researchers, a diamond is up to 58 times harder than anything found in nature. As a result, the only object or piece of equipment capable of cutting through a diamond would be another diamond.

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Did you Know? The Flash gave powers to himself.

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Mirrors have been linked to hallucinations.

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Did you Know? John Adams and Thomas Jefferson Died on the Same Day

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Cabbage White is the most frequent butterfly in the United States.


Myanmar celebrates Water festival


It's a Nobel Prize-Winning Machine.

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Viking diet was quite varied.

 Jolly Roger

The Jolly Roger flag was not used by every pirate ship.

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Vision Boards Help You Unleash Your Inner Power


Your gums should not be bloody when you brush or floss your teeth.

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Anxiety Can Cause Memory Problems


Amaltas heals intestinal conditions

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Did you Know? All eggs are hormone free.

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Did you Know? There are some magnificent monasteries in Moldova

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Netflix’s Original Name On Paper Was Kibble.


You should always apply SPF-protected moisturiser

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A checklist can help you manage insulin resistance by ensuring that you are always tackling the primary risk factors.

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Did you Know? Croft Manor area was built in a single weekend

Vatican City

There is no permanent citizenship in Vatican City.

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Nobody knows what Viking truly means.

 Dribbling permitted  1897

Fun Fact! Dribbling was not permitted until 1897.

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Ladakh boasts the highest saltwater lake in the world that freezes.

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UNESCO's third largest heritage country is Spain.


Braille is not a language.

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Did you Know? Mongolia is big! But maybe not as big as you might think