scientists, hypothesize, particles, standard, model, physics, electrons, neutrons, quarks, gravitati

Dark matter might be created by a boson companion.

scientists, hypothesize, particles, standard, model, physics, electrons, neutrons, quarks, gravitati

Scientists hypothesize that all the particles known in the Standard Model of particle physics, such as electrons, neutrons, and quarks, belong to a particle category called "supersymmetric partners." Dark matter is a form of stuff that cannot be detected with traditional sensors but can be discovered by its gravitational effects. Some scientists believe that a particle is known as the wino — the W boson's supersymmetric companion — might help explain dark matter.

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Turkey is home to one of Christianity's oldest churches.

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Cleopatra's fashionable crimson lip was made of crushed beetles.

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Did you Know? Indian Ocean Has a Submerged Continent

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The spine works independently of the brain.


Eczema Is Not Just a Skin Issue

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Blueberries' purple-blue colouring is a sign of their high antioxidant content.

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Did you Know? Nintendo has been around for almost 130 years.


'Ho Ho Ho' is Santa's method of expressing his delight and happiness.

A Coconut

A Coconut has the ability to travel enormous distances.

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Fun Fact! Papua New Guinea has the world’s third largest rainforest

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the first Oscar for a technicolor film

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Yes, there is such a thing as Fika.


Modern arts exhibit a pattern that is visible.