chocolate, chocolate chip cookie recipe, charlie and the chocolate factory, hot chocolate bombs, cho

Coffee use was previously a capital offence.

chocolate, chocolate chip cookie recipe, charlie and the chocolate factory, hot chocolate bombs, cho

Coffee was thought to have mind-altering properties throughout the Ottoman Empire's 17th century. The monarch of the time considered it a form of drug and prohibited its use in public.

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The total length of tubing in a trumpet would be approximately 6 1/2 feet if stretched out completely.

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Did you Know? The capital of Greece is named after the goddess Athena


Albuterol has Reactive Effects. Prevent Asthma from Happening.

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Natural Immune Enhancer

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One of nature's rock stars is broccoli.

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Some trees emit chemicals that attract enemies of their enemies.

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Teletubbyland's Rabbits Were Also Large.

Unexploded Bombs

Germany Has Thousands Of Unexploded Bombs

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Perseus Used Medusa’s Head to Neutralize His Enemies

taste buds

When you travel, your taste receptors love savoury foods.

maine, united states, america

The most eastern city

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Change your watch when you arrive in Myanmar

sunflower, Guinness Book of World Records, flowers, Hans-Peter, Germany

The tallest flower is a sunflower


The Ashwagandha Parts That Are Used to Make Remedies

maine, united states, america

The Most Eastern Point

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James Bond Wore a Toupe

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Jomsborg was a mythical Viking fortification.


Women are currently responsible for the majority of childcare worldwide...

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Did you Know? DC Comics bought the rights to superman for $130.

nevermind, nirvana, Sam Goody, Tower Records, Badmotorfinger, Soundgarden, Blood Sugar Sex Magik,  R

A Nevermind outtake became a proper Hole release.

 Sleep Positions

Certain Sleep Positions May Leave Lines

Almonds, milk, plant milk

Milk can be made from almonds!

Dutch men

Dutch men are the world’s tallest people

Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds aid with weight reduction.


Bali is a volcanically active island.