red lips, lipstick, makeup

Christian saints warned that the lipstick was the devil's work.

red lips, lipstick, makeup

Early Christian authors were so terrified of lipstick that they considered it a sin. Wearing lipstick, according to St. Gerome, was an act against God since it altered a woman's look. Similarly, St. Cyprian forbade ladies from using cosmetics. "All ladies, in general, should be advised that the work of God and his creature and image should not be faked in any way by the use of yellow coloring, black powder, Rouge, or, lastly, any cosmetic that detracts from the natural qualities. They are laying hands on God when they seek to recreate and transform what he has created, not realising that everything that comes into being is the work of God, and anything that has changed is the work of the devil."

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Hypnosis has been around since the 18th century.

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In Japan, you may be asked for your blood type instead of your sign.


The Ashwagandha Parts That Are Used to Make Remedies


Girls participate in fewer sports than guys.

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Gabriel Gacía Marquez refuses to allow One Hundred Years of Solitude to be made into a film.

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Persian rugs are Exceptionally  Built


Degeneration of the brain occurs gradually

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Goa celebrates two independence days

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Messi has yet to win a big international title.

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Did you Know? American Psycho was inspired by Tom Cruise.

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Allahabad University – Fourth Oldest University in India

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Nepal The World's Ceiling

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"12% of people dream entirely in black and white"

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Until the arrival of Christianity, writing was uncommon among the Vikings.

Mexico City

Mexico City sinks by 10 inches every year!


Silk has a built-in ability to control temperature.

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It doesn't take long for a temperature to drop.

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Did you Know? The sun is heating up and will kill all life on earth

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Your social circle is proportional to the size of your brain.