color facts, color, facts about mind, facts of color

Blue is the favorite color of whole of the world.

color facts, color, facts about mind, facts of color

When people meet for the first time, colour recognition accounts for the vast majority of their first impressions. According to studies, those who consistently wear neutral or black make fewer positive first impressions, whereas those who wear brighter colours are more likely to form friendly bonds. Wearing hints of red (for women) or blue (for men) on a first date may result in stronger feelings and a definite second date, whereas those who wear black to a job interview are more likely to be hired.

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Coconut trees are enormous!

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Each fruit has a cluster of two to eight pods, each of which can be divided into two to five segments.

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Feeling of dread toward Earth shudders.

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Antibiotic compounds are produced by probiotics.


In the previous seven decades, about 90 different commercial airliners have gone missing.

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In adults, chronic smoking can cause sleeplessness.


Bali is a volcanically active island.

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In 1978, anti-lock brakes were developed particularly for the S-Class.


Low percentages of the population are poor.

 air pollution

The cost of air pollution in the world is tremendous.

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Paul Schrader wrote Taxi Driver in Two Weeks

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Did you know there are only two types of cells?

korean, language, English, hangul, verb, Chinese

In honour of the language, there is a national holiday.

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Male seahorses are the only organisms in the marine ecosystem that give birth to and care for their offspring!




JFK Was Not A Jelly Donut

Sea Lampreys

Sea Lampreys are captured and sterilised as well.

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Dolores Umbridge Finally Went To Azkaban

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Sculpture of Erotica

ancient times

Since ancient times, people have been removing cataracts.


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amaltas, leaves, benefits

How much melanin, or pigment, is present in the eye affects the color of the eye

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Did you Know? Jurassic Park Raptors sound like tortoise mating