lotion, Moisturizing, vitamin C, collagen,  wrinkles,  skin suppleness

At night, moisturize.

lotion, Moisturizing, vitamin C, collagen,  wrinkles,  skin suppleness

Moisturizing isn't only for the day! After cleaning your face at night, apply moisturizer since it works better on your skin when sleeping and is not exposed to the elements.

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Snake plants

Snake plants can clean up pollutants and enhance air quality.

 Selçuk Efes Camel

Turkey has no native camels, however there is an annual camel wrestling festival.

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Best Friend for Pregnant Women

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It's a pain to color red hair.

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Earthworm's average age is more than 5 years.


Sunflowers come in a variety of hues.

lotion, Moisturizing, vitamin C, collagen,  wrinkles,  skin suppleness

Less lotion is better.

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Which article is known as the heart and soul of the Indian Constitution?

ulcers, bacteria, pain, infection

From minor trickling to potentially fatal bleeding, stomach ulcers can bleed.

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Broccoli is genetically identical to kale, cauliflower, kohlrabi, and other Brassicas.


It's a Nobel Prize-Winning Machine.

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Did you Know? King James I was the decendant of real Banquo.


The Kids Are Drawn To The Beautiful Forms Kids are frequently drawn to the lovely magical form of kaleidoscopes.

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Fun fact! Suicide is committed by certain cells.


There is no ocean, yet there are thousands of islands.

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A driver can survive the impact of 100 mph and come to a complete stop in 2 seconds.

hernias, abdominal walls

Hernias come in a variety of forms.

dreams, sleep, men, women, weapon, cloths, sexes, rejection, exclusion, physical activity, aggressiv

Men and Women Dream Differently


Women make up two-thirds of caregivers.

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Did you Know? The world wastes about 1 billion metric tons of food each year.

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Mirror Folklore of the Bloody Mary

motion films, movie history, history of movies, movie facts

Did you Know? Motion Films were invented in 1890s


The 21st century's antibiotic will be a probiotic.

greek, philosophers, lunar, solar deities, athens, anaxagoras, lampsacus

Anaximenes Of Miletus (c.586-c.526 BCE)