Angkor Wat, temple, ruins, Hinduism, religion, machu picchu

Angkor's ancient ruins are far larger than you believe.

Angkor Wat, temple, ruins, Hinduism, religion, machu picchu

While Angkor Wat is the largest religious complex in the world, the temple ruins cover an area of more than 500 acres - over 50 times the size of Machu Picchu!

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There are over 1,000 windmills in the Netherlands

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Did you Know? People have been imagining multiverses since ancient times.

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Cobain didn't think "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was particularly catchy.


Bhutanese citizens are required to wear their national costume.

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Roses are one of the oldest flowers .

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In London, England, pencil sales increased by 700% in 2008.

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Did you Know? Both people and mosquitoes love blue.

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BMW currently owns the Guinness World Record for the longest drift.


The yeti's etymology is extremely hazy.

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Plants were used to make ancient blinds.

curtains, drapes, wealth, Valance, opaque panels, Tiebacks

Curtains and blinds from the past

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The Platonic Foundations of the Law of Attraction

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The English language received the term "serendipity" from Sri Lanka.


Owns a large number of firearms but has the lowest crime rates

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The wings of butterflies are translucent.

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Some lizards can go their entire lives without drinking water.

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The cost of air pollution in the world is tremendous.

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Chickens have excellent color vision.

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Did you Know? Indian Ocean receives 6000km of River Run

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Nyepi – The Day of Complete Lockdown

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Candle wax was consumed during feasts.


Topically applying it to your skin may be beneficial.

toothpick sculptures

Largest display of toothpick sculptures

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Certain bacteria and drugs can cause ulcers

Halloween, pet, costume

The parade of costumes is led by princesses and Spiderman.