malta, gazo, iasland, country, Europe

An Island Surrounded by Beautiful Waters

malta, gazo, iasland, country, Europe

The waters surrounding Malta and Gozo are a stunning combination of blue and green. The most popular site on the Maltese islands is the Blue Lagoon on Comino Island.

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Unlike cotton, microfiber does not leave lint or scratches.

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Korean is difficult to learn for english speakers.

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Did you Know? Scientists can turn peanut butter into diamonds.

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Making a vision board might help you become more determined.


Children are most at risk from air pollution, but it affects all of us.

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How can one get monkeypox?


There are 7000 lakes in Switzerland.

Dust mites

Dust mites cannot be avoided.

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In 1747, the first modern cataract surgery was carried out.


Are skincare products preferred above dietary supplements and food?

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Happy as a clam is not a complete expression.

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Did you Know, You can Pass across the world's longest glass bottom bridge.

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New Medicines Incorporate Infusions and Backrub

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Make Up And Ancient Egyptians

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So, who exactly is the Dalai Lama?

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The young sisters were sent to school with serious repercussions.

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Summer midnight match.

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Making something with crochet can make idle time into useful time.

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Rio has the world's bluest sky.

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How many original copies does Indian Constitution have?