almonds, milk, plant milk

Almond butter is the best nut butter ever!

almonds, milk, plant milk

Almond butter is superior to regular peanut butter. It's creamy, healthy, and quite addicting! We have a wide variety of almond butter, from roasted almond butter to raw almond butter - something for everyone! Nut butters are delicious spread over toast or crispbreads, but they may also be used in smoothies, sauces, and baking!

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Did you Know? The Indiana Jones props are real.


Dust is what dust mites eat.

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India, Pakistan, and the Philippines all have national fruits.

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Asia’s oldest amphitheater “Ranghar, Sibsagar”

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Indian pariah dogs require very little grooming.


Baba Marta is a fun holiday.

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Venus flytraps are a threatened species.

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Just because you’re blind doesn’t mean you don’t have to learn math.

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If you have a face tattoo or have had facial surgery, you will need a new passport.



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Did you Know? Indian Ocean have Limited Marine life

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The origins of astrology go way back in history.

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The Royal Society of Chemistry bestowed an honorary fellowship to Sherlock Holmes.

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The most popular taste is pizza.

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There can be many Buddhas, including you.

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There is a temple of rats in India

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Did you know.... BMW's headquarters are styled after their automobile engines.

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Did you Know? The reason behind eggs being blue isn't that appealing.

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The United States government has a formal strategy for a zombie apocalypse.


Hyraceum, a perfume ingredient derived from the faeces of a small rodent, is still used by niche perfume houses