klecksography, inkblots, children game, nineteenth, century, rorschach, swissasylum, abstract, symme

A Children's Game Inspired The Rorschach Test.

klecksography, inkblots, children game, nineteenth, century, rorschach, swissasylum, abstract, symme

Klecksography—the technique of creating pictures using inkblots—was a popular children's game in the late nineteenth century. In general, the game entailed pouring ink onto paper, flipping it over, and seeing what pictures appeared. Rorschach, who worked in a Swiss asylum, wondered if patients might read these inkblots differently based on pathology, and he had some success with this. That prompted him to start employing his own custom-made, abstract, symmetrical drawings to elicit mental responses from his participants. Rorschach felt that by doing so, he could delve deeper into a patient's psyche than written psychological exams permitted.

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