trees, insects, plants, parasites, predators, signals, chemicals, reinforcement, caterpillars, besie

Trees didn't exist for the first 90 percent of Earth's history.

trees, insects, plants, parasites, predators, signals, chemicals, reinforcement, caterpillars, besie

The Earth is 4.5 billion years old, and plants, most likely mosses and liverworts with shallow roots, may have colonized land as recently as 470 million years ago. Vascular plants appeared around 420 million years ago, but no plants grew higher than 3 feet (1 metre) off the ground for tens of millions of years after that.

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Fake words do occasionally make their way into dictionaries.

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Did you Know? Botox removes a person's ability to feel emotions.

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Assassin's Creed’s back story stretches more than 2,500 years

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Barbie was named after its creator's daughter.

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If you are a woman, you are most likely underpaid.

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Starbucks has its own record label.

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Did you Know? The first motion picture camera was called the kinetoscope.

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Moon Knight's Fighting Technique Unlike Anything Else

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is home to a number of significant historical sites.

The Swiss

The Swiss Wed Late


Color is essential.

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The National language of Taiwan is Mandarin

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The city has a well-developed mechanism for dealing with typhoons.


Afrikaans was a protected language throughout the Apartheid era.

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Intelligence Has Nothing To Do With ADHD

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Did you know? Belle is the only person in her town who wears Blue

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Did you Know? Fruit snacks and cars are coated in the same type of wax.

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Fun fact! Dennis Quaid Is A Ballet Dancer.

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Water was used for mirrors in ancient times.

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Did you Know? You can control your dreams!


The copper content of New York's Statue of Liberty exceeds 80 tonnes.


In the world of cookware, copper is unparalleled.

spine, spinalcord

Your spine is more adaptable than you realise.

chess facts, facts about chess, chess game facts,

It is possible, though unlikely to checkmate an opponent in just two moves.