pirates, treasure, loot, food, animal, lumber, cloth

Pirates did not always bury their loot.

pirates, treasure, loot, food, animal, lumber, cloth

Some pirates delayed burying their treasure because they wanted a piece of the loot first. And a pirate's treasure wasn't always gold or silver; it could also be food, lumber, cloth, or animal hides.

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Dust mites cannot be avoided.

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An expression that describes a phobia of Halloween exists.

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A soufflé is only fluffy and puffy for 5 or 10 minutes.

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Not Everyone Who’s High Energy Has ADHD


Tulsi Reduces colds, coughs, and other respiratory problems

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Delicious and Healthy Spinach Substitute

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The army of Terracotta It's not just the military.

 Selçuk Efes Camel

Turkey has no native camels, however there is an annual camel wrestling festival.

 lack of sleep

Your skin can suffer from a lack of sleep.

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During hypnosis, a person remains completely awake.

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A person will shed around 40 pounds of skin in a single lifetime.

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Lightning Has the Power to Form Glass.

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Freshwater Flounder Live How Long?