pirates, eyepatch, fictional, pirates, national, national geographic, appendages

Grog was the pirate's preferred beverage.

pirates, eyepatch, fictional, pirates, national, national geographic, appendages

Pirates preferred grog, a concoction of rum, water, lemon juice, and sugar. (Hmmm, I wonder where the inspiration for our rum punch came from?)

Related Facts
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Plant milks provide nutrients in addition to the natural goodness of plants.

cat tiger

House cats share 95.6% of their genetic makeup with tigers

Milan, Italy

It’s a legal requirement to smile at all times except at funerals or hospitals in Milan, Italy

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Moonstone, the stone of peace


What Is The Lifespan Of A Fairyfly?


Originally, it was spelled "Gundom."

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FRIENDS was orginally called as INSOMNIA CAFE and have a different plot too.

bali, amazon, seas, corals, sealife, biodiversity

The Balinese only have four names.

San Marino, Saint Marinus, Rimini, Italy

Saint Marinus, a stonemason, inspired the country's name.

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Sagittarians are more likely to become child stars.

love is crazy, crazy love, love can make you crazy, love fact, love drug, love facts

Did you Know? Couples who are too similar to each other are not likely to last.

taste buds

If you can't smell, you can't taste.


Even those firefly larvae that are submerged in water or the underground may glow.

almonds, milk, plant milk

Almonds are a great source of energy.

birmingham, Venice, Italy, United Kingdom, England

Tennis was invented on a Birmingham lawn.

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A 155-year-old mousetrap successfully caught a mouse in 2016.


Persian rugs require little upkeep

 Birmingham, Venice, Italy, city, United Kingdom, England

Birmingham has more canals than Venice does.

taste buds

Eating sweet foods aids in the formation of a meal memory.

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The Fundamental Attribution Error may aid in explaining conspiracy ideas.

World Cup, football

Qatar's first World Cup

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The Dutch consume the most liquorice in the world

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Did you Know? Cupcakes isn't a recent development.

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Harvard has 92 kilometers of bookshelves

stingrays, carnivorous, beach

There Are Over 200 Different Stingray Species.