dreams, black, white, sleep, older, younger, professor, chris idzikowski, research, assessment, advi

Within 5 minutes of waking up, 50% of your dream is forgotten

dreams, black, white, sleep, older, younger, professor, chris idzikowski, research, assessment, advi

After an additional 5 minutes, 90% of recollection is gone. Sigmund Freud believed this was because dreams represent our repressed thoughts and so our brain wants to get rid of them quickly. However, it’s much more likely due to our brains simply being used much more as soon as we’re awake and so we forget much of what we’ve dreamed about.

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Many people subscribe to conspiracy theories.

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The ancient treatment of beetroot is constantly being researched.

Sunlight Exposure

Sunlight Exposure Promotes Vitamin D Production


Laos is the world's most bombed-out country.


Collagen promotes elastin production.

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The preferred method of carrying things is on the head in Myanmar

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Messi and Ronaldo's final World Cup?

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Did you Know? Red Ink is a bad sign in Korea

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Did you Know? Moldova has a breakaway territory

taste buds

Eating sweet foods aids in the formation of a meal memory.

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In 1963 a cat went to space


Chihuahuas are descended from an old breed.