mirror, bloody marry, folklore, myth, test, summon, spirit

Water was used for mirrors in ancient times.

mirror, bloody marry, folklore, myth, test, summon, spirit

Mirrors first appeared in ancient times, when people would simply use a pool of dark water or a dark container filled with water. This only changed around 6000 BC, when polished glass was introduced.

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Did you Know? Lara's trademark braid had to be cut in the game.

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A Children's Game Inspired The Rorschach Test.

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Intelligence Has Nothing To Do With ADHD


There are spiders everywhere!

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Did you Know? Superman once demonstrated Lex Luthor was right.

 Richard Farnabe

Executive Chef Richard Farnabe and Alexandre Petrossian create the most costly soufflé.

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In low-income countries, just fifty-five girls continue their education after high school for every hundred boys.

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On UK highways, there are about 12 million diesel vehicles.

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Did you Know? There is no such thing as curry powder.

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Did you Know? John Adams and Thomas Jefferson Died on the Same Day

Bullet Time The Matrix.

The classic "Bullet Time" effect was designed specifically for The Matrix.

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Summer midnight match.

Frida Kahlo's

Frida Kahlo's The Two Fridas

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Fun fact! Dennis Quaid Is A Ballet Dancer.

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Did you Know? Coffee is a fruit and...

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What is the Fact about After Life?

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Did you Know? There is a reason why childhood friendships end.

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Bamboo is where music was born.

 Skin Glows

Your Skin Glows When You Dance

Football  Goal Scorer

Football's Fastest Goal Scorer

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Assassin's Creed’s back story stretches more than 2,500 years


The average person is hypnotised at least twice a day.

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Fecal transplants are ancient medicine made modern

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The Fundamental Attribution Error may aid in explaining conspiracy ideas.

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Do you know the story behind Venetian Blinds?