USBs are Lightweight and useful


The majority of USB flash drives weigh less than 30 grammes, which makes them simple to carry and move around. Although small, your USB flash drive could hold crucial data, files, and information that, if lost, could be disastrous. You may conveniently carry them in your pocket, store them in your wallet, or clip them to your keys thanks to the USB flash drive's lightweight characteristics. So you always have access to your reliable

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When a piece of glass breaks, the cracks move at 3000mph.

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During WWII, wearing lipstick became a symbol of patriotism.

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Kolkatas's  Chinatown

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Each Time They Shed, They Add a Rattle Segment.

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The Vent Haven Museum houses vintage ventriloquist dummies.

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Mrs. Claus is Santa's wife.


Are there any potential negative effects?


You don't have to spend a fortune on a lotion.

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Call it Speed! An F1 crew can change tyres and refuel in three seconds.

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Did you Know? Disney Princess Anna is named after an author.

Walt Disney

"Walt Disney almost made a living by peddling vacuum cleaners. "


Some flavors are available for a short period only.


Egypt Is Home To 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites

glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

One of the most expensive pieces of glass art in the world is the "Portland Vase."