Mars rover, mars life, martian, life on mars

There is a possibility of life on the Mars

Mars rover, mars life, martian, life on mars

We have always heard that life is only possible on the planet Earth. But of all the planets in our solar system except Earth, Mars is most likely to hospitable to life on earth. In the year 1986, NASA found something that they thought to be the fossils of microscopic living things in a rock recovered from Mars.

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Many People With ADHD Struggle With Short-Term Memory

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The egg yolks and whites have the same amount of protein.

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Butterflies have four wings rather than two.

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Netflix’s Original Name On Paper Was Kibble.


Chamomile tea helps aid digestion.


Age also causes reduced sebum production.

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Uranus has an unusual rotation and tilt.


Spiders have unusual muscles.


Raw Materials Are Used

glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

Minerals can alter the color of the glass.

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San Marino is Europe's least visited country.

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Some Believe That Aliens Built Machu Picchu

Netflix compensates

Netflix compensates its employees for viewing content from home.

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Did you Know? Doritos may be used as kindling since they are combustible.

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There are barbeque and bacon-inspired fragrances out there

Flat Fish

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During World War 1 Japan came to the British's aid in the Mediterranean.

butterfly, chitin, protein,  insect exoskeleton, translucent

Butterflies eat only liquids.


85 species of krill are recognised.

sea  lamprey, Atlantic Ocean, Welland Canal, Lake Ontario, Lake Erie,

These parasites affect the whole Great Lakes coastline, wreaking havoc on both permanent and seasonal companies, as well as property values and tourism growth.


Flash USB flash drives made in the UK are dependable and long-lasting computer peripherals

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Can You Give Your Cat Too Much Catnip?

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Raindrops are shaped more like hamburger buns

butterfly, chitin, protein,  insect exoskeleton, translucent

The wings of butterflies are translucent.

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Is A Flounder A Hogchoker?