souffle, National Chocolate Soufflé Day, National Cheese Souffle Day

The World's Biggest Soufflé was devoured in under ten minutes.

souffle, National Chocolate Soufflé Day, National Cheese Souffle Day

According to The Guinness Book of World Records, the largest soufflé was found in the Palestinian town of Nablus. It weighed 3,891 pounds, was 243 feet long, and was consumed in just ten minutes.

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Einstein enjoyed boating (and was absolutely terrible at it).

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Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions


Breastfeeding mothers benefit from a small amount of formula.

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Did you Know? Albert Einstein was a scientist and inventor.

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People With ADHD Don’t Have Trouble Paying Attention

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Spain is the home of the world’s second most widely-spoken language

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Did you Know? Albert Einstein had a propensity of bingeing on food.


Egypt Is Home To 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites

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The name Dussehra is derived from the Sanskrit phrase Dash Hara, which in English means "the defeat of the Sun.


The First Electric Toothbrush Didn't Work

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Insomnia can be inherited.

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Did you Know? Halloween is still the Wiccan New Year


Dust is what dust mites eat.

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Largest number of tribal groups are found in madhya pradesh

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper

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A well-known National Park

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Assassin's Creed’s back story stretches more than 2,500 years

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Did you Know! An average woman eats about 4Ib lipstick in her lifetime.

Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease affects the brain's straucture


From left to right, Hindi is written in Devanagari script, which has 11 vowels and 33 consonants.

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Cures urinary issues

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Age has an effect on an individual's rate of growth as well.