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Starbucks spends more on health care for employees than coffee beans every year.

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As you may have heard, Starbucks offers a generous benefits package to their employees, including providing healthcare to employees who work 20 hours a week or more. In fact, according to Howard Schultz, CEO of the company in 2008, Starbucks spends $300 million annually on healthcare, which is more than what they spend on coffee beans.

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Delicious and Healthy Spinach Substitute

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Marie Curie is the only person to have received Nobel Prizes in two different fields.

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Pancreatic cancer has a genetic component.

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The Crime Epicenter

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Rose is US's national flower.


The new capital city that appeared overnight in Myanmar


Sweden is importing garbage from Norway!

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Limes float, but lemons sink.

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They sprout from apples.

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