nevermind, nirvana, Sam Goody, Tower Records, Badmotorfinger, Soundgarden, Blood Sugar Sex Magik,  R

Nevermind was mixed by someone who had previously worked with Slayer (and Madonna).

nevermind, nirvana, Sam Goody, Tower Records, Badmotorfinger, Soundgarden, Blood Sugar Sex Magik,  R

Butch Vig was very successful in getting the band to give strong performances. But when it came time to mix the album, he ran into some difficulties. "I was just going to mix it really straightforward," Vig told Billboard. "But the band came to all the mixing sessions and honestly they didn't really know how to mix at the time." "Kurt kept coming up to the board and saying, 'I want it to sound more like Black Sabbath,' and turned off all the treble." It sounded terrible." 
When the band's management suggested hiring an outside mixer, Cobain chose Andy Wallace from a list of potential candidates because he'd e

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Did you Know? Many, including Lisa Kudrow thought Chandler was actually a Gay.

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 Fennel seed

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