braille, blind, shorthand, abbreviated, contracted version

Just because you’re blind doesn’t mean you don’t have to learn math.

braille, blind, shorthand, abbreviated, contracted version

There’s a special version of braille just for mathematics called the Nemeth Code. It was invented by Dr. Abraham Nemeth and can be used to transcribe math, algebra, and calculus.

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Did you Know? Coffee was discovered by a goat herder.

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Did you know? The Dance was only for the wealthy

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There is a language specific to crocheting.

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Did you Know? The film rating system began in 1968

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Doctor Strange lost his left eye, and Dormammu took up residence in his eye socket.


Cholesterol level is determined by liver.


Is Butterscotch Safe for Dogs?


Children are most at risk from air pollution, but it affects all of us.

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Did you Know? Sun Exposure can minimise acne breakouts.


Ashwagandha is a centuries-old natural remedy.

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Natural Immune Enhancer

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Nepal is the amazon of asia


Lobsters stomachs are used to chew.

beetroot, beet

Best Friend for Pregnant Women

Golf balls

Golf balls were once made from lobsters shells.


Redder is better, obviously

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Earthworm's average age is more than 5 years.

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Lamborghinis were originally tractors, and they are still manufactured today.

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Fun Fact! Who was the Oldest Oscar Winner Ever?

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Arnold Schwarzenegger Made $21,428 Per Word In the Terminator 2: Judgement Day

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Vision Boards Increase Your Creativity

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Did you Know? Andy Warhol directed a Batman movie without the permission of DC movies

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Pliny the Elder wrote the first reference to yogurt.


why fireflies produce light?

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Walt Disney Was Afraid of Mice