People used to make windows out of flattened animal horns before that.
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Originally, Hong Kong was only Hong Kong Island.
People Have Interesting Contraception Ideas
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Did you Know? Fridge magnet is even stronger than the gravity
The unreasonable dread of happiness is known as cherophobia.
Did you Know? Cutting your hair does not influence how fast your hair will grow.
By sowing this unusual plant, the soil's physio-chemical characteristics are altered, increasing the levels of nitrogen and potassium.
Did you Know? Some people Drank a Warriors Blood
Tulips were once more valuable than gold.
Originally, it was spelled "Gundom."
Soufflés are frequently perforated.
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The Spaniards tend to speak loudly
Silk is naturally antimicrobial and hypoallergenic.
Soap and dynamite have a long history together.
It was the first Asian country to make gay marriage legal in 2019
Starbucks donates old food.
The first Arab country to outlaw polygamy.
Quartz Crystal activation requires programming.
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On the first day of Navratri, it is customary in Northern India to sow barley seeds in earthen pots.
Pompeii and Pink Floyd