
In a prison, the first mass-produced toothbrush prototype was created.


In 1770, William Addis, an Englishman imprisoned for sparking a riot, became the first mass maker of toothbrushes. When Addis saw other convicts using rags smeared with soot or salt to clean their teeth, he knew there had to be a better way. After a meal, Addis covertly preserved an animal bone and negotiated a deal with a guard to collect some bristles. Addis discreetly bored holes in the bone while tying the bristles into little bunches. Addis developed a toothbrush prototype by putting the bundled bristles into the perforations and gluing them in place. He used it during the remainder of his term. After his prototype was released, Addis developed it and became the first maker and distributor of commercial toothbrushes.

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