summer, summer season, summer carnival

If you have diabetes, be careful of injections.

summer, summer season, summer carnival

Due to the extreme heat in the summer, the injection sites alter. The blood vessels enlarge, making it possible for insulin to be absorbed more quickly and increasing the risk of low blood sugar. Get indoors and cool off for a while before administering the injection. Keep in mind to keep the temperature of your insulin below 86 degrees.

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Your gums should not be bloody when you brush or floss your teeth.


Liver is the green colour in fried lobsters.


About 1,000 allergen waste particles are produced by one dust mite.

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The first object of the Asteroid Belt was discovered on the first night of the 19th century

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Stage hypnosis is not appropriate for everyone.

Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, Himalayas, Kullu, Mandi

World Legacy site, Kalka Shimla Railroad

Dust mites

Dust mites resemble tiny spiders.

Hindi alphabets

Even when written upside down or with a mirror image, none of the Hindi alphabets create an illusion.

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Tagine Tunisienne

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Gabriel Gacía Marquez refuses to allow One Hundred Years of Solitude to be made into a film.


Albuterol has Reactive Effects. Prevent Asthma from Happening.

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Did you Know? Halloween is the second-most commerical American Holiday of the year.

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Did you Know? Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice was originally titled as 'First Impressions'.

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