That is five times as fast as the typical airplane, which flies at 575mph.
International astronauts must be able to speak Russian.
Did you Know? Indian Ocean Has Several Tectonic Plate Boundaries
The name Starbucks was inspired by "Moby Dick."
Urban Dictionary profits from its status as a slang haven.
The part of the eye that limits the amount of light that reaches the retina is called
Lyndon B. Johnson drove a water-surfing automobile.
Apple Custard Enhances Cardiovascular Health
Did you Know? Technically, bananas are berries and strawberries are not!
Prior to being used worldwide, silk was first created in ancient China.
Did you Know? There are genes that can describe that you are an early riser or a night owl.
Did you Know? Brazil is the home to world's second longest river
Did you Know? A Happy Heart is a Healthy Heart
Is spirituality a religion?
The world's largest waterfall is located in the ocean.
Microfiber is ideal for environmentally friendly cleaning.
Did you Know? Names of Cinderella's ugly sisters has changed over the time.
NOT ALWAYS DO the candle flames stand straight.
Topically applying it to your skin may be beneficial.
Ulcers spread to further areas of the human body.
The world's oldest DAM is situated in Jordon.
How do you know If your body clock is off?
There’s an asteroid named Braille.
Male fingernails grow more quickly than female ones.
Did you Know? Calvin Coolidge Owned a Pair of Lions
Iguanas do they sleep?