expensive coffee

Four of the top five most expensive coffee cities are Swiss.

expensive coffee

Starbucks was chosen as a component in the Index because it is the world's most widely distributed, premium-priced coffee chain, and so provides an intriguing economic barometer comparing countries. The price differential for a Grande Latte varied from £1.21 in Brazil to £5.72 in Switzerland, representing a roughly 400% price increase.

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The holiday has other names besides just "Halloween."

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Females Deliver Live Children.

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Sylvia Plath originally published 'The Bell Jar' under the pen name "Victoria Lucas."


Either highbush or lowbush blueberries are what you're eating.


Train made of bamboo



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Making something with crochet can make idle time into useful time.

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls supplies around 20% of the drinking water in the United States.

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Cashew trees grow in tropical climates.

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Did you Know? There are famous coffee houses named after Centeral Perk of FRIENDS

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