myths, legends, botan doro, japanese, ghost, obon, widowed, samurai, otsuyu

Do you know about the folktale of Botan Dōrō?

myths, legends, botan doro, japanese, ghost, obon, widowed, samurai, otsuyu

Also referred to as The Peony Lantern, the story of Botan Dōrō originated in 17th-century Japan and continues to be one of the most famous ghost stories in Japanese culture. Though there are multiple versions, the general storyline is as follows: On the first night of Obon—a Japanese festival that honors ancestral spirits—a widowed samurai meets a beautiful woman named Otsuyu and quickly falls in love with her. They meet every night from dawn until dusk, and she is always accompanied by a young girl holding a peony lantern.

Soon, someone grows suspicious and spies on them horrified to discover that Otsuyu is a skeleton. Though petrified, the samurai’s love for Otsuyu is so

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