convertibles, romantic, herald, Indians, travel, decades, numerous, roadways

Did you know.... India received its first convertible.

convertibles, romantic, herald, Indians, travel, decades, numerous, roadways

Convertibles have a tremendously exciting and romantic feel about them. Even though the country was not equipped for open-air automobiles and the heat, many Indians enjoyed the Standard Herald when it debuted in 1965. However, it is an excellent option for friends and families that wish to travel together. For decades, this automobile could be spotted on numerous Indian roadways.

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Inuit folklore

Inuit folklore is enormously rich.

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Curtains and blinds from the past

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Did you know.... It's not the so-called "God particle." 

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Did you Know? Indian Ocean Has a Submerged Continent

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Did you know.... Snails may sleep for years without eating.

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Did you Know? Belle preferred beast in his animal form rather than in human form.


Silk has a built-in ability to control temperature.

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Did you Know? India is second largest silk producer in the world

Expensive Cities

One of the Most Expensive Cities in the U.S.

Pigeons, Mesopotamian, hypothesis, domesticated, Scientists

Pigeons make great mail carriers.

Frida Kahlo's

Frida Kahlo's The Two Fridas

glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

When a piece of glass breaks, the cracks move at 3000mph.

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A Children's Game Inspired The Rorschach Test.

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Soufflés are frequently created using two basic ingredients:

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Did you Know? Chile Has One Of The Longest Coastlines In The World

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There exists a hybrid game of chess and boxing that is known as Chess Boxing.


The Russian term belukha, which means "white," is where the English name "beluga" is derived.

caviar, lobster, cilento mountain oregano, mozzarella cheese, and grains of pink Australian sea salt

Did You Know.... One Of The Most Extravagant Pizzas


Why flamingos balance on one foot is a mystery.

The Shwedagon

The Shwedagon Pagoda in Myanmar is extremely valuable.

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Did you know.... It was nearly a Lamborghini Taurus.

Roald Dahl

Roald Dahl was born in Wales.

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London’s landmarks could have been very different indeed


Fruit is preferable to juice.