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Did you Know? Cleopatra Was Not Egyptian

cleopatra, marc anthony, mark anthony, anthony, cleopatra and mark anthony

Contrary to popular belief, the last Egyptian queen was not born in Egypt. According to historians, Cleopatra VII (her official name) was Greek. She was a descendant of Ptolemy, Alexander the Great's Macedonian general.

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In the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice occurs sometime between June 20 and June 22.

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Who Residing With Fairyflies?

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The International Space Station still makes use of conventional toilet paper.

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Did you Know? Lord Shiva is Considered to be the First Yogi

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Did you know.... BMW's headquarters are styled after their automobile engines.

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Male fingernails grow more quickly than female ones.

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Ground almonds are a healthier alternative to breadcrumbs!

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There are parts of Africa in all four hemispheres

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Insomnia can be deadly.


Indonesia is the only spot on the planet where you may see the Komodo dragon in the wild.

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Does the Met always take place around the same time?

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Money can purchase happiness, but only to a degree.

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Is there a difference between caramel and dulce de leche?

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The growth rate of toenails is around half that of fingernails.

 wisdom teeth

For thousands of years, wisdom teeth have served no purpose.


Braille is not a language.


What Is the Difference Between Toffee and Butterscotch?

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Kale has been dubbed the ideal superfood

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Books are one of the few things whose price is printed right on the packaging.

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The Panther's Black Skin Is Inherited

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Did you Know? In Canada, you may visit Santa's village all year.

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Manhattenhenge is home to a fascinating sunset phenomenon twice a year, on May 28 and July 12.

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Prebiotics are better

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76% of workplaces do not provide any type of help for menopausal symptoms.

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Queen Victoria is the reason wedding dresses are white