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Did you Know? China can restore your virginity.

china, china facts, facts about china, fun facts about china, china fun facts

In China, restoring virginity is both possible and popular. This plastic surgery is also known by a medical term: hymenorrhaphy. Chinese ladies spend a lot of money to get their hymens reconstructed before their wedding night. They simply do not want their future spouses to discover that they are no longer virgins...

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Although it can be grown outside as well, this type of plant is typically kept indoors

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How Big Can Hogchokers Grow?


Ashwagandha is a centuries-old natural remedy.

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The Dutch consume the most liquorice in the world

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They have four official languages in their country.

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A person's sense of smell may be affected by Alzheimer's disease.

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Chia seeds are sproutable.


Either highbush or lowbush blueberries are what you're eating.

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Children operate a train in Budapest.

Chinese porcelain

Chinese porcelain raw materials are inexpensive and widely available.



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The stones' transportation remains a mystery.