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Did you Know? Beavers have teeth made of metal.

animal facts, weird animal facts, amazing animal facts, interesting animal facts, fun facts about an

Beavers chew to keep their teeth at an acceptable length because their teeth never stop growing. However, their teeth are also designed to withstand chewing. They feature an enamel composed of iron, which gives them an orange colour but also keeps them sturdy and acid resistant.

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Indonesia is the only spot on the planet where you may see the Komodo dragon in the wild.

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Sunflowers are used medicinally.


The Inuit diet is spreading quickly.

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In the US there is a two-year-old mayor


Lobsters never stop developing.

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Roses are edible flowers

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What is Lernaean Hydra Associations

Male spiders

Male spiders enjoy giving gifts.

The Vatican

The Vatican is the Wine Capital.

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Iguanas do they sleep?


There is a head and a tail on the pancreas.

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Did you Know? Insects are widely eaten throughout Cambodia

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code of conduct.

Each pirate ship had its own set of rules and code of conduct.

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Stingray babies arrive at the world fully formed.

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Did you Know? Spiders are considered good luck symbols in Ukraine during the Christmas season.

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Cures urinary issues


Beluga whales are a very loud species that is highly sociable.

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Insomnia can be deadly.

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Cabbage White is the most frequent butterfly in the United States.