Coca-Cola, Coca Cola, Coca Cola facts, Coca Cola fact, the great depression, coke facts, facts about

Did you Know? A pharmacist invented Coca-Cola.

Coca-Cola, Coca Cola, Coca Cola facts, Coca Cola fact, the great depression, coke facts, facts about

John Pemberton has undoubtedly left a legacy. Pemberton was wounded in one of the final Civil War engagements, and while recovering, he acquired a morphine addiction. His first creation was an alcoholic beverage named "Pemberton's French Wine Coca," a formula that included coca, kola nut, and damiana. It was intended to be an alternative to morphine as a pain reliever. Coca-Cola was created as a non-alcoholic version of his previously marketed wine coca in order to create a more marketable product. Pemberton accidently mixed the basic syrup with carbonated water while experimenting several mixtures for his new non-alcoholic medication. Pemberton made the decision to offer his final product as a fountain dr

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Bamboo survived the Hiroshima nuclear test.

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Coca-Cola is illegally accessible in every country on the planet.

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On average, a cow produces 6.3 gallons of milk each day

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One of the most powerful natural resources

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Cities are forced to dispose the snow off in different ways.

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Did you Know? 13 frames per second is the slowest speed human brain will process images consecutively


Switzerland has 208 mountains and some of Europe's highest peaks.

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New Medicines Incorporate Infusions and Backrub

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At night, moisturize.