
Copper is a low-key household essential.


This element may be found in practically any place in your home. Building materials for the electrical and plumbing sectors include copper wires, pipings, and tubings.

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You should always apply SPF-protected moisturiser

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Adding a new word to a dictionary is a laborious process.

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A porcelain piece requires dozens of procedures.

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Because of the live audience, Brad Pitt almost rejected the show.


The waxy appearance of centipedes is deceptive.


When you cook lobsters, they don't scream in pain.

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Dust mites do not bite people and are not parasites.


Since 1868, Tokyo has served as Japan's capital.


Home births are still popular in the Netherlands

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Freshwater Flounder Live How Long?

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Smooth Skin Is Left After Exfoliation

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Did you Know? The Cheapest Oscar goes to....

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Some of the publications produced by Homi J Bhabha are still highly regarded today.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong is home to 96 billionaires.

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"In the 17th century, glass windows were invented."

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Did you Know? Albert Einstein had a propensity of bingeing on food.

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Badminton's inaugural match.

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Did you Know? Ketchup was once believed to have medicinal qualities

skin, exfoliate, dull skin, cells, rough skin

Eyes Display the Early Symptoms of Aging

cats sleeping

Cats spend 70% of their lives sleeping

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Suffragettes saw lipstick as a symbol of women's liberation.

oscars, theartist, bestpicture, 1929, wings, charlesbuddyrogers, richardallen, clarabow, younggaryco

The most costly Oscar winner

scream, movie, real story, Gainesville Ripper,  American, serial killer

Billy has also appeared in films other than Saw. Insidious, Dead Silence, and Death Sentence all featured him as an Easter egg.

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Insomnia raises the risk of car accidents.

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A candle that began to twirl can be saved.