books, publishers, amazon, bookshops, author

Books have a more forgiving return policy than a January Kohls.

books, publishers, amazon, bookshops, author

Books are an interesting market in part because they offer a 100% return policy. So, if a publisher sells 50 copies of a fresh new book to, say, Target or a local independent bookshop, that company has the option of returning all 50 copies to the publishing house if they don't sell. Isn't that crazy? 50 copies aren't much, but when you get into the hundreds, you can see how this can be a difficult market to predict.

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Not all spider bites are dangerous.

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On UK highways, there are about 12 million diesel vehicles.

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Earthern pots maintain the food's original flavour and nutritional value.


Lobsters use their legs to taste.


Lobsters stomachs are used to chew.