hades, zeus, poseidon, underworld, greek, greekmythology, mythology, gods, condemnation, salvation,

Athena was born differently from her siblings: she was the consequence of a headache.

hades, zeus, poseidon, underworld, greek, greekmythology, mythology, gods, condemnation, salvation,

Zeus was terrified that his kid would be his undoing owing to a prophecy, so he ate his lover when he discovered she was pregnant. The fetus became a part of him, and one day she sprang out of his forehead, fully developed and ready to fight.

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There’s an asteroid named Braille.

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Use as an alternative to pine nuts in pesto!

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The Most Expensive Coffee in the World

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The word candy belongs to a Sanskrit origin


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Hot Pockets has a mascot.

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It is possible, though unlikely to checkmate an opponent in just two moves.

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Did you Know? Nightwing Once, killed the Joker.


Dutch speakers understand Afrikaans better than Afrikaans speakers understand Dutch.