type 2 diabetes,  insulin, resistance, American Diabetes Association, strenuous exercise, weight red

Another factor raising cardiovascular risk is coagulation abnormalities in insulin resistance.

type 2 diabetes,  insulin, resistance, American Diabetes Association, strenuous exercise, weight red

The altered coagulation profile in persons with type 2 diabetes has been underutilized as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and warrants additional investigation. Increased fibrinogen levels, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, tissue-type plasminogen activator antigen, factor VII, and factor XII are all connected with insulin resistance. Fibrinogen levels are connected with vascular problems in patients with diabetes and are a powerful predictor of myocardial infarction and stroke in people who do not have diabetes (Ganda and Arkin, 1992). Targeting insulin resistance is the best current technique for combating these alterations. Aspirin is recommended by NICE in persons with type 2 diabetes due to its long history of reduci

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