Blueberries enhance memory and cognitive thinking, according to recent studies.
Frida Kahlo's The Two Fridas
Did you Know? Assassin's Creed have been 20 games on 15 platforms
Did you Know? The notes of Marie Curie are still radioactive.
Cashew trees grow in tropical climates.
Chia belongs to the mint family.
Did you Know? Charles Darwin created his own office chair with wheels.
Men are more frugal than women.
Redder is better, obviously
It could have been a cemetery.
Disney had a hidden apartment where Walt Disney lived.
Mangoes in South India were referred to as aam-kaay in Tamil, which became maam-kaay as a result of the numerous regional dialects there.
The photophores, which are glandular, light-producing organs, allow krill to glow.
The name of E.T. is revealed in the unfinished sequel.
Moon Knight has some of Marvel's most advanced technology.
Chia is cultivated between the latitudes of 23 degrees north and 23 degrees south.
The Carolingian Empire's growth in the ninth century may have paved the way for the Vikings.
How Long Do Iguanas Live?
Do you know about Glossophobia
Cambodia's flag is the only one in the world with a structure on it.
Malevolent spirits are not permitted.
Did you Know? Tisanes are to tea what decaf is to coffee.
Modern arts exhibit a pattern that is visible.
A driver can survive the impact of 100 mph and come to a complete stop in 2 seconds.
One of the most powerful natural resources