Nobody knows for sure where the kites came from. Flying kites is said to have begun around 3000 years ago in China. The first person to fly a kite was Chinese General Han Hsin of the Han Dynasty. Han was actually calculating the distance his army would have to travel to reach the defences.
The entire ban was based on the discovery of a picture of a swastika-adorned Pooh owned by a single person known for supporting the Nazi party. That was apparently enough to get Winnie banned for good.
It is clear in Ukraine that the majority of the population speaks both Russian and Ukrainian. However, if you truly want to be a local, Ukrainian, which is also the official language, would be preferable. And, much to your dismay, English is not generally spoken here.
Despite camels' cultural and aesthetic dominance in the UAE, the Arabian Oryx is the country's national animal. With two long straight horns and a short tufted tail, the oryx is a medium-sized animal. On the 50 Dirham currency note is a depiction of an oryx.
Alaska, the biggest state in the United States, was sold for a total of $7.2 million, or roughly 2 cents per acre. In 1867, the state was bought. America made its $7.2 million investment back more than 100 times over in the 50 years that followed. Talk about a good investment.
Guinness World Records certified the mixed-use hotel and office complex as the World's Farthest Leaning Manmade Tower in 2010. The lean of the Capital Gate structure is 18 degrees, which is more than four times that of Italy's famous leaning Tower of Pisa.
When you think about Greece, you probably see sandy beaches, turquoise seas, whitewashed houses, and blue domes. However, one of the most unexpected facts about Greece is that the bulk of the nation is really made up of mountains. It is one of the most mountainous nations in Europe, with mountains covering 80 percent of the land area. Remember to bring a decent pair of walking shoes!
During the feudal period, rich Japanese lords constructed residences with purposefully squeaky flooring (known as Nightingale Floors) to deter ninjas. The fabled, highly trained mercenaries of mediaeval Japan were so entrenched in myth and tradition that they were thought to be capable of walking on water, becoming invisible, and controlling natural forces. That has to be enough reason to lay down some new flooring.
While Assassin's Creed is already a household brand, it almost became something quite different. The original crusade-era period game was inspired by a Prince of Persia game called Prince of Persia: Assassin, which had a prince's bodyguard as the protagonist. Unhappy with the thought of a Prince of Persia game not being about a prince (which, interestingly, Nintendo doesn't see as an issue with when it comes to Zelda), Ubisoft's upper brass insisted on a new brand, and Assassin's Creed was created.
These bizarre facts may cause you to alter your eating habits. Those fresh apples, on the other hand, aren't all that fresh. They're typically picked between August and November, waxed, hot-air dried, and shipped to cold storage. They finally appear on grocery store shelves after six to twelve months. These apple might not keep the doctor away....
Hot chocolate was not something we were served in restaurants these days. Cocoa was brewed in both Aztec and Mexican cultures, but it was nothing like the hot chocolate we have today. It was primarily a bitter concoction that was frequently consumed at weddings and other special occasions. Many people used it as a medicine or as a base for other medications.
In 1769, Spanish colonists established the city that is now known as Los Angeles. In 1781, another group of 44 residents moved to the new settlement. The city was titled El Pueblo de Nuestra Seora la Reina de los ngeles de Porcincula by the Spanish ruler. This translates as "The Town of Our Lady the Queen of the Angels of Porcincula." Because the name is extremely long, it was condensed until it became Los Angeles. As a result, Los Angeles is now known simply as "The Angels."
The Water Festival, also known as Thingyan, is one of the country's largest celebrations. Thousands of people come to the streets in April to celebrate the Burmese New Year with a massive water battle. Everyone enjoys a good time, and it's one of the most significant aspects about Myanmar culture that every traveller should be aware of. Participating is most likely the finest vacation experience you can have here.
While Walt Disney invented Mickey Mouse and gave the voice, the visual was developed by animator Ub Iwerks, who designed all of the famous characteristics. You'll never look at the adorable mouse the same way again.
USA's present 50-star flag was created by 17-year-old Robert Heff as part of a high school project. It was 1958, and there were only 48 states at the moment, but Heft had a feeling Hawaii and Alaska would get statehood shortly. His teacher gave him a B- but later raised the mark to an A after Heft submitted his design to the White House, resulting in a call from President Eisenhower announcing that it had been chosen as the official U.S. flag.
Sechs Kies is South Korea's most established idol group. The band was founded in 1997 with six members and currently has five active members. Some may not consider them the longest because they were on hiatus for more than ten years; however, the longest-lasting idol group could also be considered Shinhwa, who debuted in 1998 and has been promoting consistently for the past 20 years.
Many variations of the suit exist in different planets, and they are all fire-resistant, bulletproof, and electrically insulated. The cape may also be used as a parachutist or hang glider. High-tech instruments, like as night vision and communication devices, are also used to create the renowned cowl. It's also used to keep his identity hidden from some superhumans.
Alexander the Great died at the age of 32, having conquered and established the world's biggest land-based empire. It spanned the Balkans to Pakistan. Alexander became sick in 323 BC and appeared to die after 12 days of intense torment. His corpse, on the other hand, showed no indications of decay or decomposition for a whole six days. Alexander was thought to have suffered from the neurological illness Guillain-Barré Syndrome, according to modern experts. They believe he was just paralysed and intellectually aware when he "died." In other words, he was horrifyingly buried alive!
An ultra-luxurious lodge has been opened on Nosy Ankao, the biggest of five islands off Madagascar's northeast coast. Miavana (only accessible by helicopter) is a destination for "blue safaris," which include opportunities to see turtles, whales, and dolphins, as well as scuba diving and fishing. There's also a fantastic spa. But start saving now - doubles start at £3,220 per night.
Anthropologists have discovered evidence that pre-Olmec cultures in Mexico produced chocolate around 1900 B.C. Chocolate's origins can be traced back to Mesoamerica. The Aztecs (a Mesoamerican civilization) traded cocoa beans with the Mayans because they believed they were a gift from Quetzalcoatl, the God of Wisdom. When the Aztecs took over Mesoamerica, they had a strong desire for cocoa beans, which could not be grown in the heart of their civilization. As a result, they were forced to rely on the Mayans and trade cocoa seeds with them. These were known to be so valuable that they were used as currency.
A local winery erected a fountain in the northern Italian town of Caldari di Ortona that splashes red wine instead of water 24 hours a day. The fountain is intended for pilgrims walking the Cammino di San Tommaso, a 196-mile journey from Rome to Ortona in the footsteps of St. Thomas the Apostle. Wine is a pleasant way to celebrate after such a long hike.
In the United Arab Emirates, the week begins on a Sunday! Sunday in the UAE is just like any other day, with children going to school and adults going to work. Weekends are Friday and Saturday for them. Because Friday is a special religious day in Islam for afternoon prayers, many Middle Eastern countries follow this timetable.
The lone resident of Monowi, Nebraska, is 83 years old. She is the mayor, librarian, and bartender of the city. Elsie Eiler is her name, she pays her own taxes, and she considers individuals who live 40 miles away to be her neighbours.
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