Korean popular music can be traced back to 1885, when an American missionary named Henry Appenzeller started teaching American and British folk songs at a school. These songs were usually based on a popular Western melody and were sung in Korean.
Rivers and lakes can be found beneath the ocean. When salt water and hydrogen sulphide combine, it becomes denser than the surrounding water, forming a lake or river that flows beneath the sea.
Although yellow is widely regarded as a mood-enhancing colour, it is not recommended as a primary colour scheme. According to studies, rooms with too much yellow may cause people to lose their tempers more easily.
Though it was not the first film ever made, "The Great Train Robbery" (1903) was the first to tell a story and is widely regarded as the first narrative fiction film. It was produced by Thomas Edison's Edison Studios and was only about 12 minutes long. The filming took place in New Jersey.
In Greek mythology, Zeus had a passionate love affair with Europa, a Phoenician princess. To entice her away, he disguised himself as a bull and carried her off to sea on his back, transporting her to the island of Crete. The famous 1747 painting "The Rape of Phoenicia" by Francois Boucher sits at Paris' Louvre.
Yes, truly. Nintendo rented a warehouse in Tukwila, Washington, in 1981 to serve as its American headquarters. According to NPR, when a guy called Mario Segale went into his Nintendo tenants' offices demanding late rent, he created an impression. Even Segale's preference for overalls and short stature appear to have influenced Mario's design over time.
Guinness World Records certified the mixed-use hotel and office complex as the World's Farthest Leaning Manmade Tower in 2010. The lean of the Capital Gate structure is 18 degrees, which is more than four times that of Italy's famous leaning Tower of Pisa.
Kites were first seen in America in the mid-1700s, according to history. Benjamin Franklin, one of America's founding fathers, famously flew a kite during a thunderstorm in 1752 to demonstrate an experiment about electricity and nature. This is the first documented kite flight in American history, and Franklin demonstrated that lightning carries electricity. He would later invent the lightning rod as a result of this experiment. What a fascinating fact about kites—it aided one of the world's best inventors in making a fascinating discovery.
A Formula 1 race car's engine is not like one found in a Toyota that can go 200,000 miles without breaking a sweat. A normal Formula 1 engine, according to F1Technical, can only endure seven races. The competitors set aside a considerable sum only for engine development. The tolerance and capability of F1 engines are unparalleled. They're designed to get the most out of them, even if that means just operating for a few hours. Because the engines are built with such accuracy, they are more prone to wear and tear.
Cocoa beans contain pathogens that are potentially harmful to humans, and raw cocoa beans do not taste like chocolate. When cocoa beans are roasted, they go through a chemical process, and proper roasting is essential for producing flavorful chocolates.
The first hot air balloon was launched in 1783, transporting a sheep, duck, and rooster. In France, the Montgolfier brothers created the hot air balloon. They began experimenting with balloons after witnessing the heat of a fire raise their drying clothing. Because it was uncertain how flying at such altitudes might impact humans, the initial flight included animal passengers. The flight was a perfect success, and the animals arrived safely and largely unscathed. The sheep, however, managed to land on the rooster.
The entire ban was based on the discovery of a picture of a swastika-adorned Pooh owned by a single person known for supporting the Nazi party. That was apparently enough to get Winnie banned for good.
Hüseyin Kalkan, the mayor of Batman (a town in southern Turkey), sought to sue Warner Bros. and Christopher Nolan in 2008 for exploiting the town's name without authorization. Despite saying that there was only one Batman in the world, there was no true news about it after that. Batman originally debuted in a comic book in 1939. The issue is, which came first, the chicken or the egg? Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
During the Classical Period, Ancient Sparta was a colossally rich kingdom. Mostly because of their conquest and dominance over a nearby people known as the Helots. When a Spartan boy attained maturity and became a man, the Spartan state bestowed upon him a grant of public farmland. They also sent him a contingent of Helot slaves to work it. This effectively transformed every Spartan citizen into a rich member of the traditional upper class. As a result, they did not have to work for a living. Private property still existed, which is significant because...
The smallest kite in the world that actually flies is 5mm high; the largest kite in the world is 55 x 22 metres in size (630sq meters). The world's longest kite is 1034 metres (3394 feet). A kite's fastest recorded speed is more than 120 mph (193 km/h).
Algeria is the continent's biggest country, spanning more than 2 million square kilometres and borders Mali, Niger, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, and Mauritania. This places it above Libya, Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and it is about five times the size of Spain.
Libyan tea is thick because it is made with a lot of tea leaves and a lot of sugar. It is mostly made by women. The tea boils for 20 to 30 minutes after the two components are combined and a suitable amount of water is added. When the tea is done, it's served in little pyrex glasses with sumak and khobza, two popular Libyan snacks.
In 2012, when Boeing wanted to test its wireless signal on new planes, they placed massive piles of potatoes on the seats. Potatoes absorb and reflect radio and wireless signals in the same way that humans do due to their high water content and chemical makeup.
A local winery erected a fountain in the northern Italian town of Caldari di Ortona that splashes red wine instead of water 24 hours a day. The fountain is intended for pilgrims walking the Cammino di San Tommaso, a 196-mile journey from Rome to Ortona in the footsteps of St. Thomas the Apostle. Wine is a pleasant way to celebrate after such a long hike.
Where the Wild Things Are was originally titled Where the Wild Horses Are, and Maurice Sendak intended to write about horses; however, the author and illustrator quickly realised he was terrible at drawing horses and decided it would be better to draw 'things' instead; thus, one of the most memorable children's stories of all time was born.
Christian Dior technically invented designer sunglasses when, in the early 1960s, they licenced their brand to be used to produce luxury sunglasses for discerning fashionistas. Using Optyl, his own lightweight thermo-hardening material, he converted expensive sunglasses into more wearable everyday items. The properties of this material also allowed for a wider choice of models, from broad and original lines to previously discovered hues and delicate degradé of translucent, brown, green, and grey colours that still mark Dior's beautiful and refined style.
Sechs Kies is South Korea's most established idol group. The band was founded in 1997 with six members and currently has five active members. Some may not consider them the longest because they were on hiatus for more than ten years; however, the longest-lasting idol group could also be considered Shinhwa, who debuted in 1998 and has been promoting consistently for the past 20 years.
Texas is where German chocolate cake was invented. The "German" in German chocolate cake is the work of an American man, not a European country. It is named after Sam German, who created the formula for a mild dark baking chocolate bar for Baker's Chocolate Company in 1852, which was later renamed Baker's German's Sweet Chocolate. Let's go back to June 13, 1957. According to What's Cooking America, the Dallas Morning Star published the recipe for the cake, which was invented and submitted by a reader identified as Mrs. George Clay.
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